About The Club


Club Nights...We hold club nights in Petone, Wellington every second and fourth Wednesday of the month starting at 7.30pm (excluding Xmas break). All club night activity programmes are listed in our monthly newsletter MAGMA and here. Our programme typically includes:

Interest Nights – bring along some specimen and tell us about it.
Guest Speaker Nights – a presentation by an invited speaker on a topic relating to the club’s interest.
Club Speaker Nightsa presentation given by club members on their fossicking holidays, area of expertise etc.
Midwinter and Christmas Dinners.

Field Trips…

We host regular field trips in Wellington and the Wairarapa (generally once a month) to collect rocks, minerals, fossils.  There is usually an annual field trip to another part of New Zealand.

Mineral Club Field Trip Code of Ethics and Safety


National Shows

We visit shows of other clubs (eg. National Shows).  The club and club members participate in annual show competitions and display various aspects of their work.

Micro Mineral Group…

There is a Micro Mineral sub-group that generally meets every first Tuesday of the month to “study” and enjoy interesting mineral and crystal specimens under the microscope.

GeoKids (Junior Group)…

To encourage and teach the younger generation and keep them interested in all aspects of our hobby in an enjoyable environment.  The Junior Group meets once a month usually on the 2nd Sunday of every month from 10am-2pm.


The club has it’s own workshop which can be used by members for a small fee. Learn how to safely and effectively use the machinery to cut and polish rocks etc.  Tutoring provided.


Membership is open to anyone interested in joining.

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